
Our premium program works best for any organization planning to merge security assessments, security training, phishing simulation, and attack surface management into one location. In addition to our basic subscription offerings, our premium offers personalized white-glove services to organizations. Let Ophion Security be your offensive security partner and integrate our services directly into your security program.

Customized Security Scanning

Organizations have various security needs that can not be met with one security technology. With our premium service, our team will create custom security scanners for your organization. This unique service allows you to focus on securing your organization instead of spending time and effort building and maintaining security scanners. When it comes to build vs. buy, this truly is a win-win situation. Utilize our security expertise to evolve your security program.

Office Hours

We are security engineers by heart and passion. Our weekly office hours are an open Q&A format tailored to your organization. Office hours can be utilized to talk about recent security threats, customize security presentations to keep your team up-to-date on new threats, and also provide active support on using the Orion platform.

Semi-Annual Security Services

Premium customers get access to our managed security services via Orion twice a year. With two security assessments and phishing simulations, premium customers can better understand their attack surface. 

Security Training

Security training and awareness are at the heart of a more secure organization. Like our other managed services, our trainings are scoped to customers' needs. Combine our technical expertise with your yearly goals to create educational, impactful, and easy-to-understand security training for your organization.

Custom security offerings in addition to our CORE platform.

Everything on basic
Customized Security Scanners
Beta Scanners (Excludes 0day and Nday)
Weekly Office Hours
Customized Managed Service Package (Pentest, Security Training, Phishing Simulation and more)
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